Associate Albena Atanassova to Chair the RIBA President-Elect Candidate Hustings for Students

On Thursday 9 July, from 12.30-13.30pm BST, Design Delivery Unit Associate Albena Atanassova will Chair the Royal Institute of British Architects [RIBA] President-Elect Candidate Hustings for Students and Associate Members.
It is a particularly important event in the presidential campaign, as 2020 is the first year that student members will be able to vote for the RIBA President. With RIBA student and associate members representing nearly a third of the RIBA membership this could have a significant impact on the next presidency and direction of the institute.
Albena has previously sat on the RIBA Council, and as the former RIBA Vice President for Students and Associates she pushed through several motions which led to increased Student and Associate RIBA members on the RIBA National Council; opportunities for students to vote for the RIBA President; and a general restructure of Council sizes and representation. Following her work advocating for RIBA student and Associate members, Albena was invited to Chair the hustings.
The hustings will allow the candidates to introduce themselves, and following a few questions from Albena, she will then open up the discussion to live questions from the audience.
The equivalent chartered event will take place on Tuesday 7 July.
Further information can be found here:
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