Construction update: Marian Place Gasholders

John F Hunt Group finish site clearing at Marian Place Gasholders in Bethnal Green.
Design Delivery Unit were appointed to deliver the RSHP designed scheme for 555 new homes (including 35% affordable housing) and 4,182m² GIA non-residential floor space in flexible A1-A4,B1 and D use classes, together with access, secure car and cycle parking, landscaped public realm and 1.75 acres of public open space.
Two above-ground gasholder guide frames with guide rails and roller carriages are due to be retained and refurbished as part of the masterplan, and existing in-ground tanks retained to form part of the foundation strategy for the project.
The gasholders were decommissioned in May 2012 - the only operational gas infrastructure left is the pressure reduction system which has been relocated to the North-West part of the site. First steps of the site clearing involved carefully dismantling the existing gasholders and dewatering four gasholder voids.
Find out more about the scheme here.
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